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Mon > Fri: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. | Sat > Sun: 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Wednesday CLOSED | Ticket: 5€ – Reduced (min. of 14 years old): 3€

News & Events

Roman Villa of Casignana - Archaeological and educational tourism in Calabria

December 7, 2023
Aula Magna IIS "Oliveti - Panetta" - Locri (RC)
9.00 am

Roman Villa of Casignana and Locride Romana - Archaeological tourism in Calabria

December 6, 2023
Palazzo della Cultura - Locri (RC)
11.00 am

The restoration of the "Indian Triumph of Dionysus"

July 13, 2023
Villa Romana Palazzi di Casignana
6.00 pm

Presentation of the book "Leonardo Sciascia. Confessions of an Investigator."

July 30, 2023
Villa Romana Palazzi di Casignana
7.00 pm